Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Onion is better than The Village Voice

It was half a great weekend! Actually it was all pretty good :) - we just did a big chunk of packing on Sunday with isn't the funnest way to spend a weekend but definitely has helped with the stress levels!

Saturday we spent the day at Pt. Lookout at the beach with some of my mates from my swim team. Weather was looking terrible on Saturday morning, but it managed to clear up and it was a great day, except for my latest foot injury - I cut my foot on a shell while playing volleyball. The cut isn't that deep but my foot is all bruised underneath so its tender, but I did manage to belt out a few miles this morning after taking a few days rest.

Dan and I both enjoyed playing volleyball, and we both commented in the car ride home how much we miss team sports! For me its netball, for Dan baseball. I think next year when we get back it will be a must for both of us.

Sunday it was pretty overcast, the weather gods deemed it a packing day. I finally managed to pack all the little bits of crap that we had piled in the office - pens, cords, papers, extra bulk costco things - all that junk that doesn't really 'fit' anywhere logically when you are packing categories of stuff. Dan took all that stuff to his Mum's and I started on all the plates, cups and glasses. I highly recommend only taking The Onion (its a free newspaper) to wrap your fragiles - its one of the only free papers that doesnt have staples in it. When you are wrapping up lots of the breakables (and I was double wrapping them), having to take out a staple every time makes it even more painful! AVOID THE VILLAGE VOICE!

After the second round of boxes where packed, we both headed out for the drive and stopped off for lunch at a Vegetarian Chinese Dim Sum (Yum Cha to the Aussies). Absolutely delicious and so cheap. Dan's Mum had put him onto the place and they go there quite frequently. We order the mock roast beef and seriously it tasted like the real thing. So good!

Now it really just the furniture we have left, plus food, the bathroom stuff and more of my clothes. We are planning to do this on Friday. I am hoping to also do a test pack today, there are a couple more clothing items I WANT to buy, but not sure they will fit. My toiletry bag takes up half the space! 

Back to work!

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