South East Asia Honeymoon

Here are our trip plans so far.

As you can see after October the details are vague. Our original plan was to just roll with each country and see how we felt rather than having set itineraries but we had to book flights into Myanmar to get our visas so decided we would hit Myanmar after India and Nepal.

We are lucky there is a Myanmar consulate here as from what I have read the visas are a pain to get via post or while abroad so we decided to not risk missing out and get them. Hard to know how much time to leave for India and Nepal - we will only be there for just over 3 weeks, but so many other places to see!

We are already short on time. It was cheaper to take two separate flights to get to Yangon rather than fly direct so we are stopping in Kuala Lumpar for the night. Similar to when we are flying out of Bali, it was cheaper to take a night in Singapore rather than fly directly to India.

After Myanmar the only other flight we have booked is our flights home for Christmas in Australia on Dec 19th - a total bargain at $150 per person!

Date Destination
Aug 30th New York
Sept 1st Semingyak, Bali
Sept 6th Legian, Bali
Sept 9th Lenbogan Island, Bali
Sept 12th Lombok, Bali
Sept 18th Singapore
Sept 20th Kerela, India
Oct 10th Kathmandu, Nepal
Oct 13th Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Oct 14th Yangon, Myanmar
Dec 19th Melbourne, Australia

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