About Me

My name is Lauren Jones, I am 28 years old and I currently live in Brooklyn, New York, but my home town is Melbourne Australia.

When I was 22 I was lucky enough to get the opportunity through the company I was working for to come over to NY for a consulting gig. A four week engagement turned into, three months, into six months, until I ended up deciding to work for the company I was consulting for. A few years ago, I met the love of my life, Dan whom I am marrying in Bali, Indonesia on September 7th 2012. We are also taking a break from ordinary life and backpacking for our honeymoon through India and South East Asia.

Since I have worked full-time since I was 20 in a corporate job, I haven't done that much travelling. Exploring new places and being emerged in a different culture is what life is all about. I got a taste for it early on in my teens when my parents took me to Bali for a family holiday, and followed that up with backpacking through Vietnam for a month with my friend Courtney when I was 19. Since I came to the states its been hard to have any time off - a few weeks here, a week here and a couple of days over there. Dan and I went to Guatemala last year, London and Paris the year before that and I been to Canada numerous times, Ireland, Poland and The Bahamas as well as domestic travel within the US.

Besides travel, I am passionate about design and triathlons. I went to university for Multimedia Design, and began my career as a graphic designer and media developer, but have transitioned into more business focused roles over the years, and now am working as a project manager. While I enjoy the stability of a corporate job, a big part of me misses the creative side, and getting to make things 'pretty'. In 2011 I began cake design and have been running that as a hobby/part time business on the side. After our wedding and backpacking adventure, I am excited to explore this more and see what direction my career can take next.

My third love is triathlons. I am naturally competitive, although not always athletic. I have spent much of my life struggling with my weight and my enjoyment of over-eating. I started running just before I left for NY - I purchased a treadmill and ran 5KM most mornings on it. I then really did nothing but work when I moved over to the states, and became tired and lazy, but very good at drinking. Something just sort of clicked - I quit smoking and started running out on the track by my apartment and signing up for local races. I was hooked! Instead of staying up late on weekends I was up early and running races. Being healthy, getting sleep and exercising my body suddenly became very important to me.

Fast forward another year or so and a friend of mine who was into triathlons suggested I tried one. Another friend I would run with also was thinking about giving it a go so we entered a one together. I swam a lot as a kid and I was actually pretty good, so triathlons turned out to be a natural fit for me. One day I aspire to do a full Ironman - I just need to be mentally prepared for all the training as due to my competitive nature, I don't like to just 'finish', I want to place in the top 10% in my age group and know I did the best I can. Running/sports has had such a positive impact on my life, when you think you can't keep going you can, I am constantly amazed at how far I can push my body.

I am starting this blog with about 5 weeks before our wedding, really as a place to communicate to our friends and family what we are up to on our travels, but since I have people ask me about training and my cakes, I figured I would splatter that in too!

Thanks for visiting! :)