Friday, August 3, 2012

Decisions, Decisions and More Decisions

I am not going to lie, planning a wedding is stressful, and we are only having a very small one! I thought once we decided on which country to have the wedding in and the location it would be smooth sailing. Initially it was, but the last month has been the most stressful as decisions have had to be made on the detail things.

Veil or no veil, what style veil if I wear one, satin edge or rough edge, how will I wear my hair, what jewelry to wear, what flowers to get in the bouquets, what color, which centerpiece, which decorations for the ceremony... and I can go on and on.

What makes this worse is that I have the 'Rob Jones' (my father) 'shop around for the ultimate best deal' trait so that plays a factor in my decision. I can't tell you how many pairs of earrings I have stared at for hours on the net, over and over again. I did actually end up buying some earrings - very plain ones which actually really like! I think I spent at least 12 hrs total making that choice!

I've said this many times to my friends, planning a wedding is a bizarre experience. The actual wedding is not even one day - will anyone even remember you had the white napkins with the cute silver monogram vs. the plain white ones? No. But, you have put so much effort and so much of your time into planning, and the monogram would be really nice personal touch, so why not? Seriously, this is what you weigh up every decision you have to make.

Luckily some of the bigger things I did not really have to much of a problem with. It took us a while to decide to have our wedding in Bali, it came down to Bali, Hawaii and New York, but once we decided on Bali we only looked at two venues and picked the Bali Mandira and a wedding planner very quickly. The food, drink and entertainment again we picked very quickly, and I also didn't have to much stress with the dress. I had looked last year with my Mum when she was over in New York and thought I would get more of a mermaid style, but when I went to try dresses on in May I found them all very constricting, so ended up picking something totally unexpected! See more about our wedding details here.

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