Friday, August 31, 2012

And we're off!

Greetings from Taipei, Taiwan! What a crazy 24 no 48 hours. Thinking we had done the majority of our packing and organization we thought we were in pretty good shape. The last few days have been a blur, particularly Thursday (yes, the day we were flying out).

Luckily I got to finish work early on Thursday (TIP! Take a few days off work BEFORE you a leaving for your wedding, 4 month trip and moving out of your apartment!), and as soon as I logged off it was non-stop. Dan had taken some more boxes to his Mum's and was stuck in traffic so I started the clean down of the apartment. I scrubbed two bathrooms, cleaned out and scrubbed the fridge and freezer, vacced, mopped floors, washed windows - my manicure from Wednesday was ruined! We had our inspection from our landlord at 4.30pm, and I just managed to finish in time. We passed with flying colors!

We had done a test pack the night before, and it didn't go great. I had brought a new toiletry bag for the trip, awesome bag for a normal trip, but for a backpacking trip not so much - this sucker was taking up half the room and the material was very thick. We decided to make a last run to REI at 6pm to swap it and return a couple of other things I had brought on Wednesday. I am SO GLAD we did. Swapped it for a new lightweight Sea to Summit bag, Dan picked up a new lightweight wallet and we got a few more smaller packing cubes. We then rushed over to Best Buy for Dan to get his 'travel keyboard' for the ipad.

By the time we got bak to Brooklyn, picked up a few Clif bars and got home for the last time to 320 Bedford, it was 8.30pm. We packed our stuff (and it all fitted and I didn't have to cut anymore clothes! yeah!), loaded up the car and said goodbye to our apartment. It was off to Dan's Mum's again to drop the stuff off and head to the airport.

Our flight was super late - 1.45am so we were exhausted - they served as food on the plane around 3am and remember eating a salad and that is really all. The flight was too bad for over 15 hours. Now we are waiting for our connection to Bali! Until then xo

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