Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Our Wedding

Our wedding
I slept well, woke up pretty early, just after 6am. I felt surprisingly relaxed. Even though we had been in Bali for a week and had been doing a lot of sitting by the pool and 'relaxing', I definitely had some anxiety and stress. But morning of I was feeling good.

Started the day with a run along Legian and Kuta beach which I had been doing every morning. The beach is awesome for running on in the morning. Tide is out, creating a wide stretch of wet, non-sinky sand to prance on. I love the energy of working out in the morning - less people around, those around are normally peaceful, not discussing the stresses of the day passed, but enjoying the rise of the sun for a new day. 

After the run, I met Dan, Mum and Dad, and some of the other guests staying at our hotel for breakie. Yougurt, fruit, banana pancake and coffee. Mmmm. The Mandira does a good breakie spread. Still feeling cool as a cucumber.

After a quick dip in our villa pool and shower, it was off to the spa with Mum no get our nails painted and feet massaged. It was utter bliss. Where did the morning go? By the time we were finished in was noon and already time to start hair and make-up.

The girls (Mum, Rachael, Courtney and little Sarah) and I all hung out doing the girly getting ready thing for the next 4 hours. The hair and make-up ladies were quick and finished the bridesmaids by 2pm so I had to decide whether to start my hair and make-up then or wait for the photographers to arrive at 3pm. I ended up waiting until 2.30pm for them to start, and it was lucky I did not wait any longer, since I ended up being 15 minuted late (I have a lot of hair).

I think my make-up rocked, but I wasn't that happy with my hair in all honesty, although in the pictures I have seen (we won't see the professional ones until we get back to Australia as they were not ready for the time we were leaving), it  looks okay. In wasn't very modern and looked nothing like the pictures I showed them, but it was not horrendous. I guess considering my personality, it was a good thing we were running late, otherwise I would have second guessed it and asked them to pull it out so my hair would be out and I would have melted.

Go time came around quickly, in fact we were rushing. This was the most stressful part of the whole day. I don't even think I got to look at myself fully dressed since we were so rushed. Again, I think this was good considering how indecisive I am - if I had more time I would be umming and ahhing over everything. Poor Rachael and Courtney had only a few minutes to learn how to do the bustle of my dress!

The walk down the aisle is fast. I remember my wedding planner saying 'enjoy it, it goes fast', so I really savored the moment. Sarah, our gorgeous flower girl was very cute going down, rather than throw the flowers she stopped to pick more up (Daddy to the rescue), she then threw all the flowers in one pile! Nice! When I started my procession and got down the stairs to grab Dad's arm, I only saw Dan.

The ceremony was hot and felt kind of long to me (although others said it was short). Saying the vows was the most special moment for me and it was truly a moment just between Dan and I. Yes! All that money and planning was worth it! It really does feel awesome to be married!

After the kiss the fun began - cocktails, finger food and group photos before the we and the bridal party went off for photos around the Mandira and on the beach. Apparently we had an awesome sunset (I was too focused on Dan :) ), so I can't wait to see those pictures. 

The rest of the reception was great - it was so good to be able to spend time with all the guests - I honestly don't know how people do that at bigger weddings. My Dad, Mum and sister gave lovely speeches. We had SO MUCH food, I actually felt guilty, there was so much left over. My only gripe was the band were just so-so. I was expecting more rock and roll and they were a little bit mellow. Oh and our cake, the top layer was meant to be cake and the bottom styrofoam, but the cake place reversed it so the cutting of the cake we cut thru styrofoam!

I was pretty tired by the end of the night - a lot of emotions let out and a lot of dancing. It is also sad that its all over, but we have so much to look forward to with all the travel and unknowns. Would I do it all again? Absolutely! 

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